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Investor rights Portugal

The satisfaction of our investors is our number one priority. It is therefore important for us to give them the opportunity to express criticism. For this reason, Flossbach von Storch Invest S.A. has established a complaints office that can be contacted by all our funds’ investors in the event that they wish to make a complaint or express criticism.

Investors may file a complaint in the respective official language(s) of their member state. They may communicate their issues or complaints by post or by email at the following address:

Postal address:
Flossbach von Storch Invest S.A.
- Beschwerdemanagement -
Complaint Management
2, rue Jean Monnet
L-2180 Luxembourg
Email: beschwerde@fvsinvest.lu


Investors may complain following this procedure: Investor complaints procedure

In Portugal, investors with the status of retail clients (“investidores não profissionais”) may have access to collective redress mechanisms by joining class action proceedings initiated by other retail clients, investor protection associations or investor protection foundations in accordance with article 31 of Portuguese Securities Code (Decree-Law 486/99, of November 13, 1999, as amended) and Law 83/95, of August 31, 1995, as amended.

In proceedings initiated by other retail clients, investor protection associations or investor protection foundations, investors may adhere to the initial claim or appear in the proceedings by virtue of the prior communication made by the plaintiff or the call made by the Court - through the publication of the admission of the corresponding claim in the media or through any official gazette - to those who have the status of injured parties so that they may enforce their rights.

In addition, the indemnity to be paid to injured parties that cannot be identified will be paid to the Portuguese investor compensation scheme (“sistema de indemnização de investidores”).